Thursday, August 22, 2013


It is amazing what an attitude of thankfulness can do in our lives. Earlier today, as I was washing a car in the 95+ degree heat, in a suit, I was bemoaning the fact that I am not fulltime at the church yet. And I was counting down the time until I am, boy was I. Grumpy customers yelling at you and washing cars in the heat (in a suit) for 48+ hours a week will get you to that point, trust me. In the middle of washing this car today, the Lord chastized me. "At least you have a job, at least you are able to work." He said to me. Because of the current economy and in light of my recent stroke, both of these statements hit home pretty hard. So, instead of counting down the days until I am full time at the church, instead of moaning about my jobs and the grumpy customers I deal with, I started thanking God for my job. I started thanking Him for healing me; thanking Him that I am able to work. And yes, I still washed cars in the heat in a suit, and yes, there were still some grumpy customers, but it's amazing how much better my day went when my attitude changed from complaining to one of thankfulness.