Friday, April 3, 2015

3 Fridays in your life that need a Sunday

Some people might say it is over-used or even cliche', but I still say, 'It's Friday, but Sunday is on the way!'  The Friday that Jesus was crucified seemed to be the darkest day in history.  There was an eclipse, the very Son of God was dying on a cross, and God Himself turned His back on the world.  That's pretty bleak, pretty dark.  But we can do something the people living that day could not do; we can flip ahead a few pages and read about Sunday morning.  Well there will be many dark days in your life, many Fridays.  So, just as on that first Good Friday, on your Friday you can rest assured that Sunday is on the way! So let's take a look at three 'Fridays' that you will face.

  1. The Friday of fatigue.  Life will tire you out.  The day to day struggle of just living is tiresome.  Anyone who tells you different is selling something.  However, Jesus promises us rest.  In Matthew 11:29 Jesus says, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."  The Sunday of the Lord's rest will show up and carry you through.
  2. The Friday of failure.  All of us will fail at one point or another.  And when we fail, we feel all alone.  We let everyone, including ourselves, down.  Failure will make you feel like giving up.  When Judas realized that his betrayal of Jesus was a failure, he hung himself.  Peter might have felt like doing the same thing, but he waited for Sunday.  And on Sunday morning, when Jesus told the women to tell the disciples that He was alive, He singled Peter out and wanted them to make sure that Peter knew He was alive.  So when you fail, understand that God is a God of 2nd chances and realize that your failures are not fatal.
  3. The Friday of fatalities.  Guess what?  Not only are we all going to get tired, not only are we all going to fail, but, unless the Lord returns first, we are all going to die.  It has been said that the only sure things in life are death and taxes.  But according to Hebrews 9:27 the only sure thing is death; it tells us that "it is appointed unto men once to die..." But, thanks to that first resurrection Sunday morning, we know that death is not final.  The same verse in Hebrews tells us that after death comes the judgement.  Did you catch that?  AFTER death. Since Jesus rose, we know that we too will rise after death.  
In conclusion, let me encourage you today by reminding you that no matter what kind of 'Friday' you are going through, Sunday is on the way! 

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